No matter what the source of water is, each homeowner has to store it in the water tank. Though many types, sizes, and colors of water tanks are available. Some of these tanks may remain for a long time while some don’t remain. Some tanks are used for home purposes. At the same time, some are used by the military.
Now clean water supply is reducing day by day because of our polluted environment. Therefore, everyone needs to get clean water to drink and cook food. For this, the only best option is to store water in a clean water tank. Therefore, everyone needs to clean the tank regularly. It is suggested to clean the tank at least twice a year. You may take help from Service Express.
Now, people also prefer to drink bottled or boiled tap water. But if they don’t want to do this. Then they need to keep clean their water tank.
Why Clean and Disinfect Water Storage Tanks?
When you continuously use the water tanks. Then these become the place for many microbes and germs. Therefore, you should focus on the cleaning of tanks at least two times a year. You should focus on home disinfection services.
According to a report, it is estimated that almost 85% of Americans get drinking water from the local water systems. At the same time, the other 15% are dependent on private water sources for household chores.
When you properly care for your tank and clean it regularly. Then it may easily kill the bacteria and avoid the entry of dust and dirt. This way, you may protect yourself from harmful diseases such as stomach issues and cholera.
Make sure to get help from a reliable company. The experts of the company use the right methods to prevent slime growth and pathogens entry. Not only this, but the experts also remove algae from the water to maintain the taste. Moreover, they also cover the tank properly to avoid the entry of mosquitoes.
Though many companies are present that offer you water tank cleaning, the best among all others is Service Express. The professionals of the company use different approved methods and products. Commonly they use liquid sodium hypochlorite. The reason is that this liquid product is effective and affordable. In comparison, there are many other products that you may use. These include calcium hypochlorite, ozone gas, and UV light.
How to Clean Water Storage Tanks?
How to disinfect the water tank at home? First, you need to empty the tank from the water. Once you empty it, make sure to clean it from the outside properly. Then it is time to clean it from the inside. For this, you should use detergent and hot water. You may also use a brush or power washer. This way, you can easily remove algae, sediments, and biofilms.
Make sure to wash all the pipes, pumps, and hoses. However, it may be challenging for you to clean the tank. So, it is good to take help from Service Express. The professionals of the company have all equipment and methods to clean the tank.
Suppose you want to do it on your own. Then after washing, make sure to rinse the tank until all the sediments are removed. After that, fill the tank with hot water. Then let it cool for some time.
Adding Disinfectant to Water Storage Tanks
If you don’t know how many disinfectants you should add to the water tank. Then you may calculate the tank volume. Then start adding chlorine bleach to the tank. It is good to add almost 50 mg/L of chlorine bleach to the tank. Then mix the solution and fill the tank to the operational level. You may take help from Service Express.
When you have to disinfect the lines and fixtures, make sure to open all taps and allow the solution to reach each part. Then close the taps and let the solution remain in the taps for almost 12 hours.
Drain, Flush, and Refill
How to disinfect the water tank at home? Once you have added the solution to the tank. Now it is time to drain the tank and pipes. Make sure to drain away from the plants, streams, and ponds. If you do that, it may kill the living organism living in ponds and streams.
So, you should follow safety regulations to clean the tank. After 12 hours, open the pipes and taps. So, water will run out, and your tank will be cleaned. You should focus on home disinfection services.
How to disinfect the water tank at home? Though water tanks are necessary to store your unlimited water supply. Not only having a tank is enough, but you also need to keep it clean. Maintenance of water hygiene is much more important than anything else.
The reason is that you have to drink water daily. When you don’t focus on tank cleaning, then it becomes a place of dust, dirt, mold, and bacteria.
Therefore, you should focus on home disinfection services. The professional of the company ensures to use of the right procedure and products to disinfect the tank!